Wall clock " BirdClock", version in oiled oak
Wall clock " BirdClock", version in oiled oak
Wall clock " BirdClock", version in oiled oak
Wall clock " BirdClock", version in oiled oak
Quick info
wood | oiled | size 13 x 31 x 2 cm (h/w/d) | shipping incl. Battery
Detailed description
Wall clock " BirdClock", version in oiled oak
Wall clock made of oak, oiled. Size 13 x 31 x 2 cm (h/w/d). Delivery includes battery.
Producer: ars mundi Edition Max Büchner GmbH, Bödekerstraße 13, 30161 Hanover, Germany Email: info@arsmundi.de
About Raumgestalt
The German label Raumgestalt plans, produces and distributes well-formed designs for use and understanding. Through straightforward products and the use of high-quality and natural materials, they create unique design products - without unnecessary decoration.