Sculpture "Pierre de Wissant", bonded bronze
Sculpture "Pierre de Wissant", bonded bronze
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museum replica | bonded bronze | handmade | patinated | height 43 cm
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Sculpture "Pierre de Wissant", bonded bronze
Rodin's famous "Burghers of Calais" are a historical symbol of self-sacrifice: During the 100-year war, Calais was besieged by the English fleet and provided heroic resistance for 11 months until the inhabitants, suffering from famine, offered to surrender. King Edward III accepted under the condition that 6 citizens voluntarily accepted to be executed on behalf of the town: "bare-headed and shoeless - dressed in the poor sinner's smock and with a rope around their necks". At the request of Queen Philippine, Edward III spared the lives of the brave men and refrained from destroying the city.
For the first time in 1886, Auguste Rodin did not depict a powerful man in his major work but the courageous deed of ordinary citizens. Today, as national monuments in England and France, a cast of the life-size sculptural group stands behind the Houses of Parliament in London, in the garden of the Musée Rodin in Paris - and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Edition as polymer ars mundi museum replica, hand-cast in polymer-bonded bronze, finely patinated. Height of the sculpture 43 cm.
Producer: ars mundi Edition Max Büchner GmbH, Bödekerstraße 13, 30161 Hanover, Germany Email:
Customer reviews
die Bestellung und Lieferung hat perfekt geklappt und die gelieferte Figur entspricht genau meinen Vorstellungen und ich werde sicherlich noch mehr bei Ars Mundi bestellen. Herzlichen Dank!
Rodin zählt mit Michelangelo (und als Zeitgenosse Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weber) zu meinen Lieblingsbildhauern. Die Figur des Pierre de Wissant ist in meinen Augen die 'lebhafteste' der 'Bürger von Calais'. Im Musée Rodin in Paris gibt es im Park ja beide Versionen direkt nebeneinander zu sehen: im Büßergewand und nackt. Ich kann mich gar nicht entscheiden, welche von beiden Figuren ich schöner finden soll. Würde es bei ars-mundi auch die 'Nacktversion' geben, ich glaueb, ich würde sie auch sofort bestellen. Es stehen bei mir noch weitere Figuren von Rodin auf der Wunschliste von ars-mundi: der Denker sitzt schon bei mir im Wohnzimmer, es sollen noch das 'Eherne Zeitalter' und der 'Adam' von ars-mundi demnächst meine Wohnung zieren und die Kollektion von Rodin bei mir zu Hause vervollständigen. Darauf freue ich mich schon, und bin ganz von dem jetzigen Kauf des Pierre de Wissant begeistert und kann diese ausdruckstarke Skulptur von ars-mundi dem Kunstliebhaber nur empfehlen.

About Auguste Rodin
1840-1917 - the most important sculptor of the transitional period between the 19th to the 20th-century.
François-Auguste-René Rodin is considered a brilliant innovator of sculpture and ranks alongside Praxiteles, Michelangelo, Cellini and Canova as one of the greatest sculptors of all time. His sculptural oeuvre is so extensive that no complete catalogue of his works has yet appeared. It would certainly cover several hundred pages.
Because he had been rejected three times by the Paris School of Art, Rodin studied at the School of Applied Arts.
Rodin was an ardent admirer of beauty. He was mesmerised by the human body, which he immortalised again and again in his "vérité fugitive", the fleeting moment: lively, vibrant beauty that took shape under his creative hands. Whatever Rodin created with his hands radiated tremendous vitality and untamed power.
His sculptures, with their multiply broken surfaces, ushered in a new era of sculpture. His sculptures, with their multiply broken surfaces, ushered in a new era in sculpture. The genius of Rodin's modern stylistic idiom, which was expressed using elements of Impressionism, abandoned the monument-like pose of the academic sculpture and brought emotional states in dynamic surfaces to life, had yet to be recognised. "Boldness of light - modesty of the shadow" - Rodin composed a dialogue of rises and falls onto the "skin" of his sculptures. Flickering highlights and mysterious shadows animate his figures and bring them to life: "Sculpture is the art of representing forms through the shift of light and shadow."
The style of Impressionism, which emerged in French painting around 1870, owes its name to Claude Monet's landscape 'Impression, Soleil Levant'. After initial rejection, it began a veritable triumphal procession.
Painters such as Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet, Auguste Renoir and others created motifs from everyday life, urban and landscape scenes in bright, natural light.
Impressionism can be seen as a reaction to academic painting. Rather than emphasizing content with a structured composition, it focused on the subject as it appears in the moment, often in a seemingly random snapshot. The reality was seen in all its variety of colours in natural lighting. Outdoor painting replaced studio painting.
Through the brightening of the palette and the dissolution of firm contours, a new approach to colour emerged. In many cases, the colours were no longer mixed on the palette but placed side by side on the canvas, so that the final impression emerged in the eye of the viewer with a certain distance. In "Pointillism", (with painters such as Georges Seurat or Paul Signac), this principle was taken to the extreme.
Outside France, Impressionism was taken up by painters such as Max Slevogt, Max Liebermann and Lovis Corinth in Germany, and by James A. M. Whistler in the United States.
However, Impressionism was only expressed to a limited extent in the art of sculpture. In the works of Auguste Rodin, who is considered one of the main representatives, a dissolution of surfaces is evident, in which the play of light and shadow is included in the artistic expression. Degas and Renoir created sculptures as well.
Bronze powder is polymer-bonded. Special polishing and patination techniques give the surface of the casting an appearance similar to the authentic bronze.
A true-to-the-original reproduction of an artwork in the same size and with the best possible material and colour uniformity.
The mould is usually taken directly from the original so that the replication reproduces even the finest details. After casting the replication, using the most appropriate method, the surface is polished, patinated, gilded or painted according to the original.
A replication of ars mundi is a recognizable copy of the original.
A plastic work of sculptural art made of wood, stone, ivory, bronze or other metals.
While sculptures made of wood, ivory, or stone are carved directly from the material block, in bronze casting, a working model is prepared at first. Usually, it is made of clay or other easily mouldable materials.
The prime time of sculpture after the Greek and Roman antiquity was the Renaissance. Impressionism gave a new impulse to the sculptural arts. Contemporary artists such as Jorg Immendorf, Andora, and Markus Lupertz also enriched sculptures with outstanding works.