Quick info
museum replica | cast | handmade | hand-bronzed | size 30 x 19.5 x 12 cm (w/h/d)
Detailed description
Sculpture "Capitoline Wolf with Romulus and Remus", cast
The "Lupa Capitolina" is the landmark of Rome and the symbol of power and security - and still represents the fascinating history of the Roman Empire. According to legend, the founding fathers of Rome, the twins Romulus and Remus, were abandoned as children and raised by a wolf. The wolf passed on strength, courage and a fighter's heart to her offspring. The sculptural group stood on the Capitol as a sign of power - and was struck by lightning in 65 BC - as Cicero recounted, "drawn by the gods".
Original: Bronze, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome. 5th century BC.
Available for the first time as an inexpensive reduction in captivating quality! Polymer ars mundi museum replica, hand-cast, with hand-bronzed surface. Reduction. Size 30 x 19.5 x 12 cm (w/h/d).
Producer: ars mundi Edition Max Büchner GmbH, Bödekerstraße 13, 30161 Hanover, Germany Email: info@arsmundi.de
Collective term for all casting processes that ars mundi carries out with the help of specialised art foundries.
Stone Casting
Similar to artificial marble, with the difference that instead of marble powder, the stone to be replicated is used in powder form.
Bonded Bronze (Cold-Cast-Bronze)
Bronze powder is polymer-bonded. Through special polishing and patination techniques, the surface of the cast takes on an appearance similar to that of bronze.
Imitation Wood
In order to guarantee absolute fidelity to the original, an artificially manufactured imitation wood is used as a base material that features typical wood characteristics: density, workability, colour, and surface structure.
Ceramic Mould Casting
Ceramic mould casting usually requires the use of casting clay, which is then fired and optionally glazed. Instead of the usual rubber moulds, plaster moulds are often used in ceramic casting and porcelain production.
Cast Bronze (Lost-Wax-Casting)
For the cast bronze, the thousand-year-old lost-wax technique is used. It's the best, but also the most complex method of producing sculptures.
A true-to-the-original reproduction of an artwork in the same size and with the best possible material and colour uniformity.
The mould is usually taken directly from the original so that the replication reproduces even the finest details. After casting the replication, using the most appropriate method, the surface is polished, patinated, gilded or painted according to the original.
A replication of ars mundi is a recognizable copy of the original.
Roman art is primarily determined by the fusion of native Italic and Greek Hellenistic elements.
In architecture, pragmatic and political considerations played a major role in the expansion of the empire.
In the sacral sphere, the early temples of Rome copied the Etrurian-Italic style. The Roman secular buildings, such as bridges, ports, aqueducts, walls, gates, etc., played a far more important role.
With the remodelling of the Forum Romanum by Augustus and the redesign of the Forum of Augustus, the importance of old city centres changed. They became large enclosed outdoor space complexes. Axial symmetry, aligned toward a podium temple, became a defining feature of this period. During the reign of Augustus, temples and theatres were built in the "Eternal City" with increasingly rounded and dynamic forms, departing from the linearity of Greek models.
In sculpture, early Roman works were initially dominated by copies and redesigns of Greek models. However, Roman sculptors made independent contributions in the field of portraiture, where the bust form was particularly favoured. In relief art, there was a strong inclination toward ornamentation while maintaining narrative content.
In painting, triumphal processional paintings honouring victorious generals were a distinctive feature. For mural painting, the cities buried by Mount Vesuvius - Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae, and Oplontis - offer the most extensive evidence.
Mosaic art ran parallel to painting and was primarily used for decorative floor and wall designs.
Some areas of minor arts flourished exceedingly in Roman times. Toreutics, the art of metal embossing, produced precious silver vessels. The art of glassblowing is documented by numerous excellent finds. Glyptic (engraving on gemstones) produced magnificent reliefs carved from semi-precious stones, engraved gems and cameos depicting official themes.
The extensive coinage in Roman times contributed to spreading the portraits of rulers across the entire territory of the Roman Empire.
A plastic work of sculptural art made of wood, stone, ivory, bronze or other metals.
While sculptures made of wood, ivory, or stone are carved directly from the material block, in bronze casting, a working model is prepared at first. Usually, it is made of clay or other easily mouldable materials.
The prime time of sculpture after the Greek and Roman antiquity was the Renaissance. Impressionism gave a new impulse to the sculptural arts. Contemporary artists such as Jorg Immendorf, Andora, and Markus Lupertz also enriched sculptures with outstanding works.