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Landscapes are a central subject of representational painting and are still part of the repertoire of many artists today. Landscape painting places the human being in the background and focuses on nature and architecture. The classic motifs include the beaches, the seas, gardens, fields, forests, or cityscapes.

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Landscape Painting

Landscape painting is a recurring subject, in representational art and belongs to the fixed repertoire of artists of many epochs. John Constable, an English painter of the Romantic epoch, said: "The landscape is by far the most lovely department of painting". However, compared to many other motifs, landscape painting is still a comparatively young genre because, for a long time, the painted landscape primarily served as a background for people and their actions. Around 1500, Albrecht Dürer was one of the first, to create a series of watercolours with motifs of the German city Nuremberg and impressions from his trip to Italy. However, the landscape did not establish itself as an independent motif until approximately the 17th century. The landscape paintings now focus on nature and architecture, as well as on the depiction of light and the atmosphere of the surroundings. Human beings, who were once dominant pictorial elements, either disappear completely from the paintings or only serve as staffage. Nevertheless, the landscape paintings prove to be very expressive and emotional, and due to the variety of motifs, people are not missing: Pictures of winter landscapes, sunrises and sunsets, flowering summer meadows, beaches, coast and sea, mountains, rivers, and lakes, of gardens, forests, parks, and avenues are represented as well as cultural landscapes and architecture such as villages, towns, houses, bridges, churches, and streets. Some of the most famous paintings in art history depict landscapes, for example, "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog" by Caspar David Friedrich, Claude Monet's "Impression, Sunrise", Peder Severin Kroyer's "Summer Evening at Skagen - The Walk on the Beach", or Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night over the Rhône". Our online shop offers a variety of landscape paintings for sale.

Our range includes unique pieces by current artists as well as well-known motifs from the 19th and 20th centuries, reproduced in high quality. The selection of pictures of landscapes includes many well-known artists from Impressionism, Expressionism, Romanticism and Art Nouveau, as well as some contemporary works. The mode of representation ranges from photorealistic to strongly abstract interpretations of this traditional theme of the painting.