The North German Painter Arnold Voet

Arnold Voet

"Nature Artworks" – the northern German painter Arnold Voet could not have found a more fitting title for his works. The realistically painted oil paintings and aquarelles show landscape views in which the atmosphere of nature is palpable.

Arnold Voet draws inspiration for his paintings from the art of the 19th century. However, he does not copy the old masters but rather developed a completely independent style with diverse influences. For example, his depictions of light show obvious similarities to the Impressionists. But instead of blurring the contours of the pictorial elements as in Impressionism, he orientates himself on Realism and often works out the details very precisely. "For my photographic-like paintings, I try to transpose the dynamics of a landscape, including the influence of a wide variety of light sources," says Voet about his work.

Arnold Voet's works radiate a great calm and without any dramatism. They rather show the beauty of simple nature: for example, beaches, dunes and the sea, or clearings, lakes, fields and wooded areas.

Arnold Voet was born in 1951 in Uelsen, Germany near the German-Dutch border. He always had a penchant for the visual arts throughout his life. But it was only after his career as a creative director ended that he was able to fully devote himself to painting.

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