Portrait of the artist Gottfried Römer

Gottfried Römer

Impressionist painting with the camera - a synthesis of painting and photography.

At first glance, Gottfried Römer's pictures do not appear to be photographs in the usual sense due to their pronounced painterly quality. The artist sees them as a synthesis of painting and photography. In the original sense, they are photography, literally "drawing with light", which here becomes impressionistic painting with the camera through his unique photographic approach - largely inspired by the late works of William Turner.

His so-called "Paintos" emerge through experimental techniques of movement with a high degree of concentration and manual skill during the exposure process of photography: Meditative pictures of fantasy somewhere between photography and painting, a completely unique artistic genre, without any digital manipulation of distortion. Characteristic of this work is a reduction to the essentials: Structure and contour are in a state of dissolution, leaving only the mere essence. This creates space for the observer to further develop and subjectivise this essence through their own imaginary interpretations.